Kari Martindale is a Pushcart Prize-nominated poet and spoken word artist who has been published in various literary journals and anthologies, and featured in events and readings across Maryland. She sits on the Board of Maryland Writers’ Association, manages EC Poetry & Prose, has an M.A. in Linguistics, and values kindness over niceness and justice over peace.
Ekpkhrastic Poetry virtual workshop
May 21, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Ekphrasis is a device whereby poems are inspired by Visual Art: paintings, sculptures, photographs, etc. There is an increasing trend in ekphrastic poetry readings in art galleries. Poems can be descriptive or take more figurative forms. Join Kari Martindale, who has participated in ekphrastic events across Maryland, in finding inspiration from visual works of art and pairing it with your words!
About the Instructor
Armed Services Arts Partnership offers classes to veterans and their dependents.
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