Poems of the Month

Beginning in Fall 2022, we will feature a monthly poem from one of our members, and one poem from general submitted by subscribers. To subscribe to our newsletter, click here.

How to Submit Poems or Prose:

Submit via email to ecpoets@gmail.com

Maximum of 3 poems per submission.

Submit as a Word .doc/.docx file.

Please wait three months before submitting again.

Poem of the Month for May 2023
This wonderful poem comes from Hiram Larew. Larew founded Poetry X Hunger to bring the world of poetry to the anti-hunger cause. This poem was first published by Angel House Press and then appeared in Larew’s collection, Patchy Ways (2023, CyberWit Press).

If clouds could sidle up to us
as friends
If what we wished
oiled every hinge
or had us spend all our time outside
or framed each page
with light foretold
And if cans on shelves were faces held —
the one we’ve grown to love
If keys opened all the wind for us
or weeds hid gold inside
If echoes from the well came up
to treasure us
If all such miracles were hardly said
like thunder far away
If tasseled corn would teach us songs
or only this –if vines could whistle from porches. 

This poem first appeared in Patchy Ways.